Do you currently rent out a small house (< ca. 65 m2) in the free sector? Make sure you have an Energylabel.

An energy label has been mandatory for a long time when renting or selling homes. You even risk a fine if you rent out or sell without an energylabel. Despite this, many landlords do not yet have an energy label for their home (s). Shortly it will be no longer allowed to advertise a home on a commercial platform such as Funda or Facebook if there is no definitive energy label present. That will make it very difficult to find a new tenant.
But a good energy label also yields many points for the scoring. And that will shortly (we expect October 2021) probably change, so that a (good) energy label will certainly be important.

Do you rent out a small home? Then the extra points that you receive for a good energy label might ensure that your home does not fall in the social sector in the near future, but that you can still rent out in the free sector. This can offer you hundreds of euros extra rent per month. If you do not yet have an energy label, then please arrange this. Especially if you rent out a small home that is not very energy efficient yet and will therefore soon have too few points for the free sector. Or consider taking energy-saving measures, such as installing an HR boiler, which will give you a better energy label. It costs money, but in the end your investment will certainly pay off if you can continue to rent out in the free sector.
The social sector is basic rents up to a maximum of € 752.33 (price level 2021). A small free sector house in the Amsterdam region currently quickly yields at least € 1200.00. And when the expats come back again, the rents are expected to go up again. That is at least about € 500.00 per month difference! But you then need enough points to be able to rent out in the free sector!!

When you want to rent out your home, we will always ask you for the energy label to be able to add it to the rental agreement. But it remains your own responsibility when you rent out without energylabel.

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