Package 4
Do-it-yourself Rental

Do you want to rent out your property but prefer to handle many aspects of the rental process yourself? 

At Home of Orange, you are not required to purchase a complete rental package. Simply create your own package: 

  • Rental price advice
    Please provide us with the following information about the rental property:
    - address
    - size
    - number of bedrooms
    - balcony / terrace / garden + location
    - furnished / upholstered
    - a number of photos
    Based on the provided information, we will give you a thorough rental price advice;
  • Professional photos of the property = € 325.00 excl. VAT per selected item
    A professional photographer will come to the rental property by appointment. Make sure the property is tidy for an optimal presentation;
  • Writing a compelling advertisement text in Dutch and English = € 155.00 excl. VAT
    You provide various features and photos of the property. We write a compelling advertisement text in Dutch and English;
  • Placement and presentation of your advertisement on our website and on various (inter)national rental websites, including Scheduling viewings with candidates, after which you conduct the viewing yourself. Collecting received proposals and forwarding them to you, after which you choose a suitable candidate yourself. Candidates who are not chosen will be notified by us =  €445.00 excl. VAT
    You provide the advertisement text in Dutch and English + various numbered photos of all spaces. We place the advertisement on relevant websites (excluding Funda). We schedule viewings with candidates, after which you conduct the viewings yourself. In addition, we collect the proposals and forward them to you, after which you choose a suitable tenant yourself. You handle all viewings, the lease agreement, and all contact with the tenants yourself. Candidates who are not chosen will be notified by us.;
  • Placement and presentation of your advertisement on our website and on various (inter)national rental websites, including and Scheduling viewings with candidates, after which you conduct the viewings yourself. Collecting received proposals and forwarding them to you, after which you choose a suitable candidate yourself. Candidates who are not chosen will be notified by us = € 495.00 excl. VAT
    You provide the advertisement text in Dutch and English + various numbered photos of all spaces. We place the advertisement on relevant websites. We schedule viewings with candidates, after which you conduct the viewings yourself. In addition, we collect the proposals and forward them to you, after which you choose a suitable tenant yourself. You handle all viewings, the lease agreement, and all contact with the tenants yourself. Candidates who are not chosen will be notifies by us; 

    For various promotinal methods such as 'Spotlight' on Funda or 'Featured' on Pararius, inquire about the current prices per week/month/quarter; 

    Please note! The placement and presentation on an advertisement are maximum 2 weeks. If you wish to extend the advertisement, there will be an additional charge of €95,- per week. 
  • Scheduling and viewing with prospective tenant(s) = € 295.00 excl. VAT
    We generate candidates who are eligible to rent your property. We will only conduct viewings with suitable candidates. You ensure that we have a key and can access the property at all times (only availalbe in combination with an advertisement placement). 

Please note: When you choose our DIY package, we only provide what you have purchased from us, and you handle the rest of the rental process yourself. For any additional work beyond the services purchased, such as answering extra questions from you or your tenant(s) or requesting incomplete information, we charge € 29.50 per 15 minutes.

  • Requesting income details + ID of prospective tenant(s) and screening the prospective tenant(s) = € 115.00 excl. VAT (per individual) or € 155.00 excl. VAT (per legal entity)
    You provide us with the phone number and email address of the prospective tenant(s). We request the necessary personal documents from the candidate(s) (and business documents for legal entities) and screen the prospective tenant(s);
  • Drafting the rental agreement in Dutch = € 295.00 excl. VAT
    You provide us with all the details of the tenant, yourself, the property, the agreed terms regarding the duration, type of rental agreement, rent price, etc. Based on the provided information, we will draft the rental agreement in Dutch (including one round of corrections). You will be the contact person for the tenant;
  • Digital signing of a document by both parties, per document = € 45.00 excl. VAT
  • Translation of the Dutch rental agreement prepared by Home of Orange into English = € 165.00 excl. VAT
    We translate the Dutch rental agreement prepared by us into English and send it to you via email. You will maintain contact with the tenant yourself;
  • Drafting an addendum to an existing rental contract due to tenant change = € 125.00 excl. VAT You notify us of the tenant change. We will draft an addendum;
  • Drafting a guarantee statement incl. guarantors' IDs = € 125.00 excl. VAT
    You provide us with the details of the tenant who needs a guarantor to rent. We request all necessary information from the guarantor (s) including ID's and draft the statement;
  • Combo package: rent price advice + placement and presentation of provided texts and photos (Dutch + English) on rental websites (excluding Scheduling viewings, after which you conduct the viewings yourself. Document screening + drafting the Dutch rental agreement including digital signing. Candidates who are not selected will be notified by us = € 795.00 excl. VAT
    You provide us with information about the rental property so that we can give you a solid rent price advice. You provide the advertisement text in Dutch and English along with various numbered photos. We place the advertisement on relevant websites (not on Funda). We schedule the viewings, after which you conduct the viewings yourself. Once you have found a suitable tenant, you send us the income details and ID of the candidate. We screen the candidate, and. if deemed suitable, we draft the rental agreement. Throughout the entire process, you will be the contact person for the tenant. Candidates who are not selected will be notified by us.;
  • Perform the key transfer + start inspection with an extensive report with photos = € 325.00 excl. VAT
    You ensure that we have at least 2 sets of keys. We schedule an appointment with the tenant for the initial inspection. During the initial inspection, we prepare a detailed inspection report with photos together with the tenant. The tenant receives the keys. The initial inspection report is signed on-site by both parties and emailed to both parties. Costs for properties over 60m2 = €375.00 excl. VAT 
  • Conducting the final inspection with a detailed report and photos and key return (up to 60m2) = € 325.00 excl. VAT
    We schedule an appointment with the tenant for the final inspection. During the final inspection, we prepare a detailed inspection report with photos together with the tenant. The tenant returns the keys. The final inspection report is signed on-site by both parties and emailed to both parties. You refund the deposit to the tenant within 1 month, possibly deducting any defects notes by us. Costs for properties over 60m2 = €375.00 excl. VAT  
  • Having an energy label prepared by a professional (up to 100m2, additional cost for larger areas) = € 345.00 excl. VAT 
  • Having a points calculation prepared by a professional (up to 100m2, additional cost for larger areas) = €295.00 excl. VAT 
  • Having a property measured by a professional (up to 100m2, additional cost for larger areas) = €295.00 excl. VAT 
  • Connecting tenants to energy and / or internet providers – free of charge
    You provide us with the tenant's name, address, and contact details, the address of the property to be connected, and, if applicable, the meter readings. We ensure that the tenant is connected to a suitable energy/internet provider.
  • Calculating the annual rent increase according to your contract and writing the letter on your behalf  = € 165.00 excl. VAT

    You provide us with the lease contract, including all details and the current rent. Based on the rent increase clause in the contract, we draft the letter. You will receive the letter from us via email and send it to the tenant yourself. 

Overview of our packages

If you want to find the most suitable tenant for you and handle everything related to the rental process, package 1 - rental mediation best suits your needs. If you also want the financial matters to be professionally managed with care, you could opt for package 2 - financial management. With package 3 - full management, we take care of both the financial and technical aspects. Choose package 4 – do it yourself if you want to customize your own rental package. Below you will find further explanation for each package. 

Do you want to read all information well-arranged?
Request our brochure below.

Request brochure

Package 1
Rental mediation

Finding a tenant for your living space and establishing a rental agreement.

View package

Package 2
Financial management

The financial management of the rented accommodation.

View package

Package 3
Financial & Technical management

Financial and technical management of the rented accommodation.

View package

Package 4
Do it yourself

Do you want to rent out your property, but prefer to handle a lot of things around the renting process yourself? Choose what you want us to do.

View package

Would you like to have a clear overview of everything? Request our brochur

Fill in your details below and you will receive our brochure within 1 working day. Afraid that you have to pay too much? We use affordable rates! And besides, you get the best service with us. Just read what the experiences of other customers are.

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