Package 3
Financial and Technical Management

Managing the financial and technical aspects of your rented living space

  • Requesting income details + ID and screening potential tenant (s);
  • Collecting and transferring the rent monthly;
  • Establishing and maintaining management records;
  • Taking measures to prevent collection cases in case of payment arrears;
  • Calculating and implementing the annual rent increase;
  • Managing the security deposit during the rental period;
  • Handling complaints and reports of technical issues;
  • Issuing maintenance or repair orders on behalf of the landlord; 
  • Supervising and inspecting maintenance or repair work; 
  • Paying repair/maintenance invoices and settling with the landlord at the next rent payment;  
  • Archiving relevant documents related to all the mentioned tasks 
  • Collecting the keys and conducting the final inspection with a detailed report and photo documentation after the tenant's termination; 
  • Settling the security deposit with the tenant after their departure; 
  • Restarting the search process for a new tenant, if desired.

P.S. Regular monitoring and inspection of the living space during the rental period is explicitly not included in our services. The landlord is responsible for this in light of Article 11a of the Opium Act. 

Rates for financial and technical management *

Financial + technical management: 5% + 21% VAT of the monthly rent

* The costs for technical management may vary depending on the condition of the property.

Overview of our packages

If you want to find the most suitable tenant for you and handle everything related to the rental process, package 1 - rental mediation best suits your needs. If you also want the financial matters to be professionally managed with care, you could opt for package 2 - financial management. With package 3 - full management, we take care of both the financial and technical aspects. Choose package 4 – do it yourself if you want to customize your own rental package. Below you will find further explanation for each package. 

Do you want to read all information well-arranged?
Request our brochure below.

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Package 1
Rental mediation

finding a tenant for your living space and establishing a rental agreement

View package

Package 2
Financial management

the financial management of the rented accommodation

View package

Package 3
Financial & Technical management

financial and technical management of the rented accommodation

View package

Package 4
Do it yourself

Do you want to rent out your property, but prefer to handle a lot of things around the renting process yourself?

View package

Would you like to have a clear overview of everything? Request our brochure

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